Sunday, November 15, 2015


How overdue are these photos though?! I have been to the Bates Motel before in Silverlake but finally had a photoshoot. My fellow blogger friend and style soul mate Kiani from Unapologetic Aesthetic and I spent the day at the local farmer's market and shopped our way all over LA. It was a perfect Saturday <3

Boy London has been my jam since I rocked a knock off tee back in my cowboy days and will always be my jam. This vintage flight bomber jacket from ebay has my heart and continues to call out my name as the weather begins to drop. I can pair it with anything and feel insanely stylish! Hehe.

These pants are also making another cameo because they're just so good and window pane doesn't seem to be going away soon. (To my surpise, pleasantly) I love them to death. 

Finally my glitter docs. GLITTER DOCS. How me are they. SO ME. NUFF' SAID.

<3 Photos by Kiani

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